Over the next few months, players will compete for a seat at the final regional table in mid-August. From there, only the top two players will advance to the [Teamfight Tactics: Galaxies Championship][1], where they will represent their region and battle to be crowned the first-ever TFT World Champion.
We’ve got a lot to discuss so bear with us or skip to the sections that most interest you!
- Announcing the OCENA Partnership
- OCENA Final Seat Allocation
- NA Player Qualification
- Ladder Ranking and Qualification
- LCS Esports Org Qualification Events
- OCE Player Qualification
- Ladder Ranking earns a spot at the OCE Qualifier
- Top 32 compete in the OCE Qualifier for 4 seats at the OCENA Final
For those competing for top spots on the ladder, you can find those weekly snapshots now posted at the bottom of this article!
Announcing the OCENA Partnership
[1]: https://watch.lolesports.com/article/announcing-the-teamfight-tactics-galaxies-championship/blt7f812c133f930a6d

For a long time, players from Oceania (OCE) and North America (NA) have shared memes, heroes, LCS caster Julian “Pastrytime” Carr, and an unfortunate track record when it comes to international competition. All that is changing with Teamfight Tactics!
We’re excited to expand the Teamfight Tactics: North America Final to include players from Oceania. In the spirit of this new partnership we will be:
- Renaming our regional final to the Teamfight Tactics: Oceania and
North American (OCENA) Final
- Increasing the number of participants at the OCENA Final from 16 to
- 4 additional players from NA will qualify for the OCENA Final
- 4 additional players from OCE will join the elite at the OCENA Final
OCENA Final Seat Allocation
North American players will compete for a total of 20 seats. Seats will be allocated as follows:
- 4 seats from qualification events hosted by the LCS esports orgs
Cloud9 and Team Liquid. At each event, both the winner and runner-up
will earn seats at the OCENA Final.
- 16 seats from the ladder based on weekly snapshots. Players will be
awarded points based on their position on the ladder. Top point
earners will earn a seat at the OCENA Final.
A few notes on earning a seat:
- LCS Esports Org events will conclude prior to the OCENA Final and
will take precedence over ladder position. This means if a player has
qualified via either Esports Org event, we will move down one spot on
the ladder and the next highest point earner will receive an
invitation to the Final.
- A player may only qualify for a seat on a single account. So in the
event a single player has earned sufficient points to qualify twice,
one account will be discarded (players may choose which account).
- At the end of the season, players must pass a check on in-game
behavior in order to be eligible for the OCENA Final.
NA Player Qualification
Qualification via the ladder:
- The competitive cycle will begin on Tuesday, May 5. Players will have
one week to climb until the first weekly snapshot is taken Tuesday,
May 12. We’ll take weekly snapshots for 11 competitive weeks, ending
on July 28, with each competitive week ending at 11:59pm PT on
- Players will have a minimum of 10 games to play each week to earn
points, which will be based on their rank at the end of each week
(see below for point scoring details).
- After the 12 competitive weeks, each player will have their week with
lowest points earned dropped, for a total of 11 counted weeks of
ladder play. The top point earners will then “earn their seat.”
- Scores are posted to this public Google Doc. Please [refer to the link][1] before to see official ladder results.
Scores may take up to 5 days to be posted after each segment ends.
- In the event of a tie, we will use a player’s placement within the
last cycle on the ladder.
- Non-eligible players (e.g., secondary/alt accounts, players from
other regions) will be factored into point totals but will be removed
from the final ranking.
[1]: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQzdzlNtoFmTBe6MctHy52wFTzqZ009HzbZuieX85nq_dkWygObHLNtfqq7u3HDiSaYtBQMZBWqts6X/pubhtml?gid=231054574&single=true

NA Ladder Point Scoring:
- 1-10 - 60 points
- 11-25 - 50 points
- 26-50 - 40 points
- 51-100 - 25 points
- 101-200 10 points
- 201-300 5 points
LCS Esports Org Qualification Events in NA
On behalf of our partners at **Cloud9** and **Team Liquid**, we’re proud to announce two additional tournament series each with 2 direct seats to the OCENA Final on the line.
**Team Liquid** will host the first qualification event beginning the weekend of May 16 and each following weekend through July 12. Then beginning on July 8, **Cloud9** will host a four week tournament featuring 32 players, with a finale on July 30.
Visit [C9.gg/TFT][1] and [tl.gg/tft][2] for details, and keep an eye on both teams’ social channels for further announcements and updates.
OCE Player Qualification
There will be four seats for OCE players at the OCENA Final, which players will qualify for first via the ladder and then through an OCE qualifier event.
- The competitive cycle will begin on Tuesday, May 5. Players will have
two weeks to climb until the first weekly snapshot is taken Tuesday,
May 19 at 11:59pm AEST. We’ll take weekly snapshots through to the
final week on July 21, 2020.
- Players will have a minimum of 10 games to play each week to earn
points, which will be based on their rank at the end of each week
(see the Ladder Point Scoring graphic above for details).
OCE Ladder Point Scoring:
- 1-10 - 60 points
- 11-25 - 50 points
- 26-50 - 40 points
- 51-100 - 25 points
- 101-200 10 points
- 201-300 5 points
After the 9 competitive weeks, each player will have their week with
lowest points earned dropped, for a total of 8 counted weeks of
ladder play. The top 32 players will be invited to the OCE Qualifier.
The OCE Qualifier will take place on August 1 and 2 with the top 32
players competing in 3 rounds of a single elimination tournament for
4 seats at the OCENA Final.
Scores are posted to this public Google Doc. Please [refer to the link][3] before
to see official ladder results.
In the event of a tie, we will use a player’s placement within the
last cycle on the ladder. Non-eligible players (e.g., secondary/alt
accounts, players from other regions) will be factored into point
totals but will be removed from the final ranking.
OCENA Player Eligibility Requirements
- Players must respond to the invitation (planned to be sent the first
week of August to the email address registered to their account) to
confirm their attendance.
- Players must be 17 years of age by September 1st, 2020
- Must be a permanent resident or citizen of:
For NA - Canada or the United States
For OCE - Australia, Fiji, French Polynesia, Guam, New Caledonia, New Zealand, or North Mariana Islands
- Pass a behavior check, similar to LCS or Academy players, which
reviews in-game behavior, Terms of Service violations, and looks at
previous bans and/or suspensions
We’ve been blown away by the community’s energy and dedication since we first brought TFT to life. We’re excited to give the players who have mastered their craft an opportunity to compete on both a regional and global stage, and we cannot wait to embark on this journey with you. See you on the battlefield!
[1]: http://c9.gg/TFT
[2]: http://tl.gg/tft
[3]: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRAtDF5rV6sQubhO2bU7vVdIz4_mI3KRo70nA1o-yKKvDaKrZJdmfRYiA7VT4sti4vvTpN4Vmhf6osH/pubhtml?gid=231054574&single=true