We explored numerous solutions that would allow the VCS team to compete in Iceland, but we were unable to find a way to make this happen. We are deeply disappointed to have to continue without one of our most passionate leagues. Although it will not replace the experience for them, we will be awarding the team their full share of the prize pool as though they had participated in the event.
Despite having to continue with one less team, the format of the tournament will not change. VCS was slated to start in Group A along with the teams from the LPL (China), LCL (CIS), and LCO (Oceania). This group will now begin the tournament with the remaining 3 teams and the top 2 will advance to the next stage of the competition as originally planned. Groups B and C will remain unaffected.

While this was an incredibly tough decision, we are committed to bringing the best possible League of Legends experience to our global community without compromising the health and safety of our players and staff. As we plan towards our first international tournament of the year, we truly appreciate your support and understanding.