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The Mid-Season Invitational features the top team from each region which allowed us to conduct the draw ahead of the regions’ playoff results. All twelve regions were split into the four tiers below:
1 - China (LPL), Europe (LEC), Korea (LCK)
2 - North America (LCS), Vietnam (VCS), Southeast Asia (PCS)
3 - Turkey (TCL), CIS (LCL), LATAM (LLA)
4 - Japan (LJL), Brazil (CBLOL), Oceania (LCO)
These tiers were based on the results of the last two years of international tournaments such as the 2020 World Championship. Tom Martell, Global Director of Operations, conducted the group draw utilizing software to randomly assign the teams to the different competitive groups.
And here are the results of the draw:

Group A Teams: LPL, VCS, LCL, LCO
Group B Teams: LEC, PCS, TCL, CBLOL
Group C Teams: LCK, LCS, LLA, LJL
The qualifying team from each region will be based on the regions’ respective regular season playoff schedule. Once the final teams are determined, they will meet in Reykjavík, Iceland, for the first day of matches on May 6, 2021.
This year, the MSI champion’s league will receive an additional regional team spot at Worlds!
After MSI concludes, the final global power rankings for 2021 will be calculated. The highest
ranking league will get an additional slot unless that region also won MSI. In that case, the slot would pass down to the second highest ranking league in the power rankings.
MSI 2021 begins on Thursday, May 6, and concludes Sunday, May 23. More info including the qualified teams and broadcast schedule will be revealed in late April.
Follow us [@lolesports][1] and keep an eye on [lolesports.com][2] for more details to come!
[1]: https://twitter.com/lolesports
[2]: http://www.lolesports.com